
There are some tags for specifying that text should be formatted differently to the other text on the page. These give the text they surround some extra meaning.

Some Formatted Text

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc a feugiat erat. Curabitur lacinia dolor magna, mollis efficitur sapien finibus tincidunt. Sed a dui vel erat ullamcorper laoreet sed lobortis eros. Aenean ut erat in augue condimentum ullamcorper. Vestibulum eget commodo urna, sed posuere mi. Cras molestie nisl nulla. Aliquam dictum neque ut nunc faucibus, nec blandit enim gravida. Nunc posuere suscipit felis, eget mattis lorem mollis id.

HTML Entities

Some text should be entered using HTML entities, for example: < > & ¢ £ ¥ €